Hemp Couture Etsy Shop www.hempcouture.etsy.com

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

**NEW** Summer tanks added to my etsy shop

I've added a couple fun summer tanks to my etsy.
More to come every few days. Stay tuned & thanks for looking!

Violet Bouquet Tank

Limonade Tank

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Sewing Machines are a buzzin'

Scissors snippin', tape measures measurin', creative ideas flowin' and so on.
I've been busily designing more delicious one of a kind summer eco~fashions!
If comfort along with bright, bold colours and an eco~conscience are your thing, then make sure to stop by my Hemp Couture etsy shop next week for some sweet seasonal eye candy.
I'll be adding new photos this Sunday, June 20th (weather permitting with fingers crossed for sunshine).
Each and every one of us are one of a kind individuals so why not wear Hemp Couture's eco~fabulous one of a kind clothing? Take a stand, be different, be kind to mother earth and most of all...be happy being you!
See you soon.
Love & Light to you on this beautiful sunny day.

Saturday, June 12, 2010


~Today I will create something beautiful!

Visit us at the Hemp Couture home on the web

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Stop by!

The sun has finally peeked out from behind the clouds and it's a great day for a barbeque with best friends.

*The best thing to hold onto in life is each other. ~Audrey Hepburn

The Hemp Couture etsy shop is here to help you with your eco~fabulous summer wardrobe!
Stop by and shop around.

Have a beautiful Sunday!

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Check out Hemp Couture

We're on the etsy main page showcase today!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

NEW Summer items on etsy!!

Make sure to stop by the Hemp Couture etsy shop for eco~fabulous summer eye candy.
New photos from the Hemp Couture Home Decor Collection also!

Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy!